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2025 Auction & Gala 

Family Donation Requirements

Support the St. Francis of Assisi School 2025 Auction

All St. Francis families are required to contribute a minimum of $200 in value to our 2025 school auction. You can fulfill this requirement in one of four ways:

  1. Sponsor the Auction!  We deeply appreciate our sponsors who help underwrite our Silent & Live auctions. Whether you want to sponsor as an individual or through a company, click here to explore the fantastic perks that come with sponsorship!
  2. Donate an Item or Experience  - Great auctions need great items, and we rely on the generous donations from our St. Francis families. Click here to let us know what your family will be contributing
  3. Buy an Ad in the Live Catalog - Purchase an ad to give a shoutout to your favorite teacher or student, or solicit a company to buy a marketing ad on your behalf. Either way, it counts towards your Auction Donation Requirement. Click here to see the options.
  4. Make a Donation - Click here to make a cash donation and satisfy your Auction Donation Requirement.

Thank you for your support and generosity!

Auction Donation Details due February 3rd, 2025!

 Our goal is to raise enough money through Sponsorship to pay for our Live Auction Gala event in whole

When our sponsors underwrite the event, every single dollar raised in support of our auction (through tickets purchased, bidding, raffles, games, and Fund-a-Need) will go directly back to our school!  The impact this has on the total money raised in our auction is HUGE: guests bid more frequently and higher when they know that every dollar they're spending  directly benefits our school!

We are HONORED that these individuals, families, and businesses have committed to being a sponsor of our 2025 St. Francis Annual Auction. 

Have an Auction Question?  

Email our auction team at auction@stfoa.org