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Event Details

Date: Saturday, May 3rd, 2025

Venue: Hyatt Regency Lake Washington

Theme: Vintage Circus 

Attire: Cocktail Attire (or have fun and play with the theme!)

5pm | Registration Open and Enjoy No-Host Cocktails in the Grand Foyer

6pm | Dinner and Live Auction in the Grand Ballroom

9pm | After Party & Dancing featuring fan-favorite, DJ Sharadawn!

Reserve a Room

Consider reserving a room and staying the whole night!  The Auction has a limited number of rooms available at the special event rate of $219 (does not include the mandatory $28 resort fee, for a total room rate of $247).                 Reserve yours using this link.



Ticketing is OPEN!  CLICK HERE for the link!

The St. Francis of Assisi annual school auction is our greatest event of the year!  The funds raised at this auction are vital to St. Francis of Assisi School, helping to bridge the gap between our low tuition and the actual costs of providing a high-quality education. 

All tickets include a 3-course dinner with wine, live auction, and dj and dancing!

Single Ticket: Ringmaster's Special - $135

Table of 10: Ringmaster's Special - $1,350

Ringmaster's Special: Purchase your ticket by March 21st to save!  After March 21st ticket prices increase to $150 per ticket.

Pro-Tip: One of our guests most beloved auction traditions is receiving the framed print of their children waiting for them at their table.  Due to the time and effort involved in getting these photos, we can only guarantee this for guests who purchase their tickets by March 21st!

Silent Auction Information

Our Silent Auction is available to everyone - no ticket required!  We are currently working on putting together the awesome packages that will be up for bid.  Check back here closer to the event for a link to the preview of all of our auction items (including our Live Auction Items, which are only available to bid on in-person at the gala event).

OPENS | Wednesday, April 30th at 12pm

CLOSES | Sunday, May 4 at 5pm

Do you have something great that you'd like to contribute to the auction?  Tell us all about it here and we will be in touch!

Item Drop Off Event

Do you have a tangible item that you donated to our auction?  We are hosting a Auction Item Drop-Off Event in March!  Anyone who has an item that they donated to the auction that needs to be delivered to the school can do so during this event.  Please make every arrangement possible to drop your item off during one of these times.  It is a lot of work for our volunteers to track down missing items.  If you can't make one of these time slots, please let us know by emailing Amy at arosenfield@stfoa.org.

Visit Unity Place during these days and hours to drop off your items:

Thursday, April 3rd | 7:45am - 9:00am or 2:30pm - 5:00pm

Friday, April 4th | 7:45am - 9:00am or 1:30pm - 4:00pm

Saturday, April 5th | 10:00am - 1:00pm


Please reach out to Amy Rosenfield at arosenfield@stfoa.org.